
✨Python WebAPI Dev✨ - JIANG

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FastAPI - Swagger UI

📚 Tech Stack

☘️ API Details

🏞️ Prerequisite

Firstly, create a user with Users ⇒ Post /users/ create user (green button) ⇒ Try it out => Edit "email" and "password" strings => Execute. In Server Response under the Responses section, if you see the 201 code with your account detail, congrats!

Secondly, log in with Authorize (top right) button. You need to create a user first, following the instruction above.

Thirdly, you are now a freeman who can try some APIs.

🎆 Posts

💁‍♂️ Users

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🍹 Project Reflection

  1. I am familiar with Conda environment and VS Code. I tried something new. Venv and PyCharm make a great combination, if you mind the biggest memory hog - PyCharm.
  1. Pydantic ensures data model. It is especially important because API building is basically building a data pipeline that ensures the data transform into the right format.
  1. Data migration with scripting using Sqlalchemy and Alembic amazes me. Though I spent 1 whole day debugging Alembic version issue. However, it is worthy because it helps you implement all data schemes into a web server like Heroku very smoothly with the command heroku run "alembic upgrade head".
  1. Create users, user login, user does CRUD operation on posts with authentication feature could be operated directly with /docss or /redoc is very convenient. You don’t need Postman and you can test in a smaller scale. But nothing beats Postman’s environment features (DEV, PROD, Variable for secret tokens).

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